
Discover the Power of 3D Imaging with Galileos Cone Beam!

At Fox Chapel Advanced Dental Care, we are committed to delivering exceptional care, and we're proud to introduce the Galileos 3D cone beam scan. This cutting-edge technology provides high-resolution images with minimal radiation exposure, allowing Dr. Pawlowicz to detect and address dental issues early while achieving a natural-looking smile.

How It Works:

Quick and comfortable, the Galileos scan takes just 14 seconds as it rotates around your head, capturing 200 images of your skull. Dr. Pawlowicz utilizes these images for high-definition insights into bone density, nerves, cavities, and abnormalities like impacted teeth.This 3D view enables virtual treatment planning, uncovering details that traditional 2D images may miss. Galileos is an integral part of our comprehensive dental services.

Join us to experience the transformative power of 3D imaging and discover what it can do for your new smile!