The new 3.8x inLab 3D software UPGRADE can be found at this website:
Just scoll down to software and click on New: Service Pack inLab 3D V3.81
To upload your restoration file from your CEREC to a removal USB device:
**Plug in a removal USB device to the CEREC machine. The location of the USB drive will differ for the red cam vs. blue cam
1) Make sure that your restoration is saved.
2) Go to RESTORATION and click on export...
3) You will then find the name of your USB device and click on it.
*You may have to click on COMPUTER and then the USB device will be on that screen
4) In the save box, it will say restauration.cdt, rename it with patients information (we use last name and tooth number)
5) Click save. It should have now saved the file on your removal USB device.
The type of file is a CDT file which can be used in all CEREC units.